Saturday, June 5, 2010

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

I think this is a very interesting topic to discuss because as students, we spend most of our time in the Faculty and our opinion can improve the facilities and the general situation of our University.
Currently, our university has a huge campus that its exclusive for Veterinary Medicine students, not as in the FAU where students of different degrees share the facilities. It has rooms with a great capacity and furnished, most of them, with air conditioning systems and support systems for better presentation of the class by teachers, such as projectors and audio amplification systems. Faculty also have facilities for various departments or research areas of our career, as well as with Clinic of Small Animals and Seniors (specifically of Equine) where students can practice our skills and passing to service the community approaches to address the need to seek health care for their animals. Something that I really like of the faculty is that we have many green areas and open spaces where we can relax, have lunch, study, practice sports and other activities. This demonstrates a concern of the Administration for the welfare of students, as well as the emphasis in the ongoing contact that we have with animals, either in Mundo Granja, 4A, stables and the same "grass" of the University.

But there are also things that do not work quite right. One of the biggest problems that we have, and quite seriously by the rest, is the large number of flies that are in the rooms , especially in rooms 2,3,5, 9 to name a few. This clearly is a health and hygiene problem and general culture that we associate flies with infections, dirt and disease, but also its a problem for efficient learning because the number of flies and the constant and annoying sound of their flight represents a devolution for the students ... is something frankly disgusting. I think to solve this, first of all Department of Studies should take into account our demands and those of teachers to take knowledge of the situation and take matters into, especially if we're in a professional environment of Veterinary Medicine I guess it is easier to control "pests",in fact a simple application of insecticide system I could end the problem. Obviously, this would be a great benefit to students and teachers that share in the rooms, because finally can eliminate the uncomfortable, filthy and disgusting flies

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My Favourite Animal: The Whales ♥!

Since I was a little girl I have liked the Whales, which from my point of view are the most wonderful and amazing animals of the Animal Kingdom. Whales are the largest mammals on Earth and belong to the order of cetaceans, order that includes whales, sperm whales, beaked whales, dolphins, orcas and porpoises. Their adaptation to water is such that seem to belong to the family of fish, but according to scientific research and to their skeletons, whales are descended from four-legged land animals.

Current Cetaceans are divided into two suborders: Mysticeti (baleen whales, which feed by filtering water) and Odontoceti (animal hunters, with a dentition of teeth equal to stray far from what is characteristic of mammals). Cetaceans are mammals, like I said before, and like all other representatives of that class, breathe air with lungs, are warm-blooded (more precisely are endothermic), nurse their young and have hair (although very vestigial). Show a characteristic elongation of the face and a migration of the nose to the top of the head, and the baleen whales have two nostrils and Odonticeti only have one.

The female whales are always bigger than males an they are usually ready for breeding when they reach a length between 13 and 16 meters, more or less an age of 3-4 years. They live in pairs or small groups, although some solitary whale, and their mating is possible in warm temperate seas. The whale's body is covered with a thick layer of fat that keeps your body temperature by an average of 36 degrees and it ends in a horizontal fin of powerful muscle and strength, allowing it to reach speeds of 40-50 km / h. The color and shape of the tail varies from one whale to another and it is important to distinguish and identify them as may be the fingerprint people.
In general, whales have a large repertoire "vocal", the baleen whales use sound to communicate between them primarily, but additionally odontocetes use high-frequency range as a sonar.

They are my favorite animal because they think it's surprising that an animal so immensely large with can move with such grace and ease, moreover, whales can travel such long distances on their migrations. But what I love about whales is their vocal ability, which is beautiful and relaxing fact, I have a CD that my father gave me for one of my birthdays.

All this information I know because I've always read enough about whales, as well as I like to watch documentaries for National Geographic or Animal Planet. In fact, I like whales so much that my second choice as to university was Marine Biology.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Chile is a country full of contrasts where we can find different traditions, customs, food and people are very different, although all belong to the same country. And the best place where we can see all these differences and nuances in Santiago, since being the capital of Chile brings together as many people in the country and is the main center of social, political, economic and cultural development.
As Santiaguina, I must say I love the city I live in spite of being quite dangerous due to high delinquency rates, but remain vigilant and concerned know about our belongings, a trip to Santiago, either day or night could be very entertaining. Here are the main places appoints find interesting and you can not miss:

- Barrio Bellavista : is the quintessential bohemian center of Santiago. Very easy access, either by car, bus or subway as it is located near the Plaza Italia in a northerly direction, at the feet of San Cirstobal hill. There are a variety of restaurants, bars, pubs and discotheques for all tastes and pockets, plus street cultural events .

- La Piojera: it's the modal of the chilean popular culture. In this bar we can taste the delicious national "guachaca" drink : The Earthquake. This drink is made up of variable parts of Fernet, Piper wine and pineapple ice cream. In its traditional presentation (a full glass of 400 ml approx.) the name is "Earthquake", the large jar is called "Cataclysm" and small glass is called "Reply".

- Mercado Central: renowned for its exquisite cuisine, wich have been preserved the ancient recipes as part of National Heritage. As a personal recommendation, I advise you that after spending a long night in Barrio Bellavista, go to visit the restaurant "Donde Augusto" and request a" Paila Marina " to regain your strength....the shellfish are miraculous to replenish the hangover!

- Cajón del Maipo: is located an hour from Santiago, being a popular destination for ecotourism supporters and practitioners of trekking, horse riding, mountain biking, kayaking and rafting.Among the main attractions are the El Morado Natural Monument, Lagunillas Ski Center, Hot Springs of Baños Morales, Colina and Termas del Plomo, near El Yeso reservoir, the main source of drinking water for the city of Santiago

- Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes y Parque Forestal: the objetive of this museum is to preserve, protect, investigate and disseminate the national artistic heritage through exhibitions, lectures, conferences, seminars, library, videos and slide shows. It was founded on September of 1880 and is the oldest art museum in Latin America. The current building where their offices from 1910 and is located within the Forest Park, one of the few green lungs of the city center.

Well,I hope to visit one of the places that I mentioned. Oh! I almost forgot, I wrote the places to visit in spanish because is easier to find on a map in this way or if you have to ask to someone how to reach.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Would be necessary to reintroduce the death penalty in Chile?

Talking about certain topics that are controversial as abortion, the legalization of marijuana and, in our case, the death penalty is a somewhat awkward situation because there are very different ideas and there are people who are not capable of respecting the opinions of others. Overall, this is a great opportunity, because this kind of talking allows to know more deeply to the people since their judgments about these issues are related to their values, morals and education received.

To be honest, I am a person who loves life and respect at all levels, but despite this I am all for that Chile must re-apply the death penalty. I do not know if I don't realize ofthe malice and cruelty of the people or maybe the news on TV and newspapers didn't treat criminal's news, but for some time now I have known the most egregious cases, like the case of the little girl Francisca from Valparaiso who was raped and beaten before being thrown alive into the sea. The case returned to the public opinion this week when it emerged that the murderer of this little girl receive life imprisonment. The truth is that I do not believe in the rehabilitation of these criminals, just do not believe in the ability of reformation of a mind so ill that can accurately plan the details not to be discovered after stealing a life. other point which I favor is because the death penalty would be an item to deter other offenders from committing criminal acts against the life of people, because they would be exposing his own life by violating the law.

The current use of the death penalty has been abolished in almost all European countries (except Belarus), and most parts from Oceania (Australia, New Zealand and East Timor). Also, most Latin American countries have completely abolished it, while the United States, Guatemala and most Caribbean states remain in force. The case of United States it´s the principal reference of the aplication of this punishment, where since 1990 have been executed more than 350 people, with more than 3,300 death row.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I ♥ Paris!

Always that I sleep with open eyes I imagine walking in the same place: Paris. I've always wanted to visit Europe, but particularly Paris because I think that is the most beautiful , interesting, stylish and the most romantic city in the world.

The truth is that strikes me every detail that I know of Paris, above all, that is the capital of fashion and I think it would be in ecstasy strolling the Champs-Élysées watching the windows of Dior, among others boutiques. I would also like to know all the museums that were possible, because this city is a benchmark in terms of cultural tradition in which artists are truly valued. Another reason that also attracts me is that I enjoy eating delicious things with dedication in their preparation and , what better place to enjoy the greatest delight that in the cradle of gastronomy withthe best chef of the world?.

France was the first country in which it installed a veterinary clinic and could be considered the starting point for the development of Veterinary Medicine. I would like to study further to improve myself after finishing my career here in Chile and a chance to access work time to exercise and live there as a Parisian woman because these women incredibly don't get fat !!.... I want to know this secret!

Well my dear friends, I hope one day to send you greetings from revoir!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

2009: A year of changes

In general, the 2009 was an important year for growth since I returned to resume my studies at the University after having spent a semester doing other things.
Comparing both semesters, the first was pretty easy because I had a few subjects and I knew them well and because I liked so much those classes that I wanted to re-learn (yes, of course .. hahaha!), so it was not so overloaded and I took advantage of electives and practice. The second half of the year required a lot of time because all the subjects were new and some very difficult, such as Biochemistry and Anatomy, but with effort I could almost find a way to learn and integrate the topics for can get good marks. But as every effort has its rewards, I managed to pass Biochemistry and all the other subjects and I hope the same thing happens with the continuation of Anatomy this year, because I am focused on my grades up. The sad part was that my friend Charel had to leave school to care for her baby girl named Ayelén, which is the girl with the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen. I miss her a lot, especially his special way of laughing.
With so many thing to study I almost lost my free time, but as I could, I managed to find a way to do things that I like and forget a little of the University thet it steals so much time to go out dancing, watching movies, sharing with friends, among other things.But always I found the way to escape even for a little while to hang out.
The photo I chose this time is on my birthday last year when I turned my 20 years in October and my friends Sindy, Karen and Charel surprised me with a party to celebrate ... it was a very nice gesture and we had a great time.

I hope everyone has a good day, bye :)!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

TRANSANTIAGO: A blessing or a curse?

The TRANSANTIAGO was launched in February 2007 as a reform of public passenger transport in the metropolitan region, in order to end an inefficient system based on the bidding of routes to private operators. In my opinion, is a fairly effective because drivers no longer run through the streets picking up as many passengers as possible because they now have a set salary, so devoted to exercise good way to work (at least most of them, which was the main idea of this reform). I also believe that the payment is more convenient for the use of BIP card! instead of coins, which in turn makes it safer for drivers who are no longer manage money and also because it is cheaper to pay once you can make up to three routes.

In my experience, the beginning of TRANSANTIAGO was quite disconcerting because I just arrived from my vacations and did not understand much the new system, and messy because it involved a cultural shift in people. Eventually, I got used to the new system and I have learned to use it successfully, as it is my daily transportation.

I think the major changes that would focus the new government to make the system work quite well would be to regulate and improve the frequency of buses and publish them on the stop´s bus for informing passengers about wait times. I also think it would be good complement the night tours with the operation of the Underground to work all night.