Monday, April 26, 2010

2009: A year of changes

In general, the 2009 was an important year for growth since I returned to resume my studies at the University after having spent a semester doing other things.
Comparing both semesters, the first was pretty easy because I had a few subjects and I knew them well and because I liked so much those classes that I wanted to re-learn (yes, of course .. hahaha!), so it was not so overloaded and I took advantage of electives and practice. The second half of the year required a lot of time because all the subjects were new and some very difficult, such as Biochemistry and Anatomy, but with effort I could almost find a way to learn and integrate the topics for can get good marks. But as every effort has its rewards, I managed to pass Biochemistry and all the other subjects and I hope the same thing happens with the continuation of Anatomy this year, because I am focused on my grades up. The sad part was that my friend Charel had to leave school to care for her baby girl named Ayelén, which is the girl with the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen. I miss her a lot, especially his special way of laughing.
With so many thing to study I almost lost my free time, but as I could, I managed to find a way to do things that I like and forget a little of the University thet it steals so much time to go out dancing, watching movies, sharing with friends, among other things.But always I found the way to escape even for a little while to hang out.
The photo I chose this time is on my birthday last year when I turned my 20 years in October and my friends Sindy, Karen and Charel surprised me with a party to celebrate ... it was a very nice gesture and we had a great time.

I hope everyone has a good day, bye :)!

1 comment:

Camila said...

I can´t fix the fugitive " in" :(

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