Saturday, May 22, 2010

My Favourite Animal: The Whales ♥!

Since I was a little girl I have liked the Whales, which from my point of view are the most wonderful and amazing animals of the Animal Kingdom. Whales are the largest mammals on Earth and belong to the order of cetaceans, order that includes whales, sperm whales, beaked whales, dolphins, orcas and porpoises. Their adaptation to water is such that seem to belong to the family of fish, but according to scientific research and to their skeletons, whales are descended from four-legged land animals.

Current Cetaceans are divided into two suborders: Mysticeti (baleen whales, which feed by filtering water) and Odontoceti (animal hunters, with a dentition of teeth equal to stray far from what is characteristic of mammals). Cetaceans are mammals, like I said before, and like all other representatives of that class, breathe air with lungs, are warm-blooded (more precisely are endothermic), nurse their young and have hair (although very vestigial). Show a characteristic elongation of the face and a migration of the nose to the top of the head, and the baleen whales have two nostrils and Odonticeti only have one.

The female whales are always bigger than males an they are usually ready for breeding when they reach a length between 13 and 16 meters, more or less an age of 3-4 years. They live in pairs or small groups, although some solitary whale, and their mating is possible in warm temperate seas. The whale's body is covered with a thick layer of fat that keeps your body temperature by an average of 36 degrees and it ends in a horizontal fin of powerful muscle and strength, allowing it to reach speeds of 40-50 km / h. The color and shape of the tail varies from one whale to another and it is important to distinguish and identify them as may be the fingerprint people.
In general, whales have a large repertoire "vocal", the baleen whales use sound to communicate between them primarily, but additionally odontocetes use high-frequency range as a sonar.

They are my favorite animal because they think it's surprising that an animal so immensely large with can move with such grace and ease, moreover, whales can travel such long distances on their migrations. But what I love about whales is their vocal ability, which is beautiful and relaxing fact, I have a CD that my father gave me for one of my birthdays.

All this information I know because I've always read enough about whales, as well as I like to watch documentaries for National Geographic or Animal Planet. In fact, I like whales so much that my second choice as to university was Marine Biology.


Simón Soto said...

Very nice post, and very informative also.
I almost wrote about whales, but I finally decided to write about dogs.
see ya.

Constanza said...

Hey Cami! oh I think that whales are amazing mammals! They are so big and imposing!
I was about to choose to study Marine biology too! I love the sea!
see you at college!

Patty said...
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Patty said...

I love whales, too! We should start protecting them more, though. I hate the people who kill them!
See you! =)

Gaby said...

Hi Cami, I also wrote about the whales, but the Killer Whales :) i loved them too.

~ ale ~ said...

Whales are amazingly beautiful!! I find their chant to be relaxing too.
Your post was quite informative! I learned a lot of things I didn't knew.

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