Sunday, May 16, 2010


Chile is a country full of contrasts where we can find different traditions, customs, food and people are very different, although all belong to the same country. And the best place where we can see all these differences and nuances in Santiago, since being the capital of Chile brings together as many people in the country and is the main center of social, political, economic and cultural development.
As Santiaguina, I must say I love the city I live in spite of being quite dangerous due to high delinquency rates, but remain vigilant and concerned know about our belongings, a trip to Santiago, either day or night could be very entertaining. Here are the main places appoints find interesting and you can not miss:

- Barrio Bellavista : is the quintessential bohemian center of Santiago. Very easy access, either by car, bus or subway as it is located near the Plaza Italia in a northerly direction, at the feet of San Cirstobal hill. There are a variety of restaurants, bars, pubs and discotheques for all tastes and pockets, plus street cultural events .

- La Piojera: it's the modal of the chilean popular culture. In this bar we can taste the delicious national "guachaca" drink : The Earthquake. This drink is made up of variable parts of Fernet, Piper wine and pineapple ice cream. In its traditional presentation (a full glass of 400 ml approx.) the name is "Earthquake", the large jar is called "Cataclysm" and small glass is called "Reply".

- Mercado Central: renowned for its exquisite cuisine, wich have been preserved the ancient recipes as part of National Heritage. As a personal recommendation, I advise you that after spending a long night in Barrio Bellavista, go to visit the restaurant "Donde Augusto" and request a" Paila Marina " to regain your strength....the shellfish are miraculous to replenish the hangover!

- Cajón del Maipo: is located an hour from Santiago, being a popular destination for ecotourism supporters and practitioners of trekking, horse riding, mountain biking, kayaking and rafting.Among the main attractions are the El Morado Natural Monument, Lagunillas Ski Center, Hot Springs of Baños Morales, Colina and Termas del Plomo, near El Yeso reservoir, the main source of drinking water for the city of Santiago

- Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes y Parque Forestal: the objetive of this museum is to preserve, protect, investigate and disseminate the national artistic heritage through exhibitions, lectures, conferences, seminars, library, videos and slide shows. It was founded on September of 1880 and is the oldest art museum in Latin America. The current building where their offices from 1910 and is located within the Forest Park, one of the few green lungs of the city center.

Well,I hope to visit one of the places that I mentioned. Oh! I almost forgot, I wrote the places to visit in spanish because is easier to find on a map in this way or if you have to ask to someone how to reach.


Ivannia said...

Hi Cami
all your recommendations I choose as the best "El cajon del Maipo" although I have not visited, I know it's a place not to be missed.
I see you in the University.

Eranlicu said...

Hello Cami!
I read yours preferences about where go in Santiago, and my favorite place is the National Museum of Arts! I love it! (I knew it before the earthquake)
See you soon!

Erika :D

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