Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Friends

This one is my favorite photography of the latter time. In it I'm with two of my friends: Genesis and Rocío in a hill near of a beach of Bucalemu, my small paradise where I go every summer at least one month, located in the limit of the sixth region to the south of Pichilemu.

My dear friend Angel took it this summer , I don´t remeber the exact day, but I know that it was in February. That I remember clearly because this summer was absolutely fabulous especially the days near to when this photo was taken, because I was with the majority of my friends in the beach.

For me the most important thing in my life , after of my sister Gabriela of course, are my friends but the real ones. I had the opportunity to met a lot of people during my youth, people with I have a nice moment in holidays, parties and other happy moments, but my real friends that are like my "keeper angels" are to the more 6 and the majority are men because I believe that they are more reliable and loyal as friends.

I like very much this picture because it gathers my favourite place, my favourite people and does me remember all the good moments that happen beside them this summer. I expect with anxieties this summer to can go here to relax me in my small paradise after a long year of exams and nights without sleeping by long hours of study with which I expect to obtain good results.

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